Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Wheels up!

It's totally lame that I am finally writing a post again after so long the week that we leave, but I am calling it "closing the circle" and leaving it at that. Here's our deal:

-This is our last week in Cambodia.
-We will be back in DC for good (3yrs at least!) on Sept. 2.
-Gavin says I have to stop saying DC, because we're actually going to be renting a house in Forest Glen. I cant come to terms quite yet with living in the suburbs, even if it is just a squeaker outside the beltway. We have a swing-set in the back yard though!
-We'll have family coming the first two weeks, and then will be cruising around visiting friends, going to a wedding, and trying not to fall apart without paid help before Gavin starts work in mid-October.

Emotionally, it's all a little intense. We've really enjoyed our time in Cambodia, and living overseas is a good look for us in general. I'm so blinded by departure nostalgia that even when I got my first parasite (aside from the baby) this past month, I felt good about it.

Logistically, we're pretty pumped to try our hand at international travel with a dog, a 9 month old, and a grown woman who is terrified of death birds (airplanes).

In closing, here are some recent pictures! I'd also like to issue a preemptive apology for all of the times we whine/compare/cry in the first couple of months back. We'll pull it together eventually! It helps that WE CAN'T WAIT to see all of you and show off this big old baby we've been working on.

Ps. Daisy has gotten a little chunky. Please don't let on that you notice when you see her...

A rockin' play date with our cuz'n from another oven, Ian.

Two little cousins, one pony.

It's casual.

Carolina basketball, here we come...


We live a 2 hour drive from this. 

Our weekly play buddies! 

Just a little pretty stuff.

This was fun.

Misha's first (Hello Kitty) bike ride! Khmer style on the back rack, of course.

My favorite picture ever.

Our beloved sister/friend/nanny Vantha. I can't even express how sad this separation will be. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Babies are full time jobs.

Actually, they are two full time jobs because they go all night too. Did anyone else know this?

We got home to PP on Christmas Eve, managed to get settled in and have the most holiday-free holidays imaginable (ramen noodles for XMas eve dinner, chips and queso for Christmas dinner). The past few weeks have been spent basically getting to know each other. Misha is totally cute and awesome, and also a ton of work. Her sleep schedule has been pretty decent, but lately she's been on a fun routine where she refuses to nap and spends the day snowballing into a screaming mess. It's exciting. We're working on it.

Other highlights of the month are that Gavin accepted Infectious Disease Fellowship at WRNNMC in Bethesda, so we're going home! We still hope he can tack on the Critical Care component at the end, but until then we're pretty excited to head back to DC in the fall. I am going back to work at the Embassy at the beginning of February, which seems terrifying at this point. Luckily I'm only part time, so the anxiety should take up 5 hours/day. Daisy still doesn't contribute anything but cute and hair.

I don't actually have the time, energy, or mental capacity for more words than this. So here are recent pictures of the baby! Apologies in perpetuity to those of you on FB or Instagram that have seen a few of these... Also to anyone that hates pictures of babies, you're screwed. We truly have nothing else going on.

Girls be napping.
Someone has to watch the baby. 
Her cover shot for Cutest Ever! magazine. 

The only Christmas picture we managed to get. Pathetic.  
10 minutes after this we realized the baby's feet had turned blue.  
Going places! 

We had a visit from Aunt Suz! 

Faux hawk. She's so current. 
A walk in the park.
Dad on the move! 
Speaking of Honey Boo Boo...
Babies= stuff.
First airplane ride! She was perfect. I was a mess.
Christmas Eve dinner. 
Holiday cheer! 
Yep. Note thrashing of feet in unison with screams. It's quite a production.

Oh hai guys!