Friday, September 21, 2012


I couldnt care less about football, but I miss football.

Having my first real "poo" day here, and I know it's only been three weeks, but something about knowing that my life is entirely what I make it right now is kind of heavy... I have lots of little irons in the fire, but as you all know I'm a fairly busy person, and not having direction has just made me a little "meh" today.

So to focus my energy from convincing myself that my ass is getting flat as a result of watching bad TV (I cried three times watching The Help today...), I have decided to make a top 10 list of the things I am currently or preemptively missing .

1. Friends and family. You know who you are, and I miss you all-day-all-night. Especially when it's 2 pm here and you're all asleep, and if you're not you're probably in too "weird" a "place" to really want to talk to.
2. Enemies. I will probably be desperate enough to miss you at some point too, but not yet.
3. College basketball. For Gavin, I think this will be the toughest. For me, college basketball means wearing my Carolina hoodie and frantically drinking whiskey on chilly nights trying not to let Gavin give me a panic attack. Love this stuff.
4. FALL: waaaahhhh!
5. The woods. No brainer.
6. Making jokes that other people understand and laugh at for the right reason. Making hand puppets to explain that you really need a drain catcher for your kitchen sink doesnt count.
7. Quinoa. I just ordered a bunch on Amazon though, so this should be short lived.
8. ....

I actually just realized thats all I have for now! So things are much brighter than I thought when I dipped into this little Rain Dance Para Uno.

We are going to a garden store to buy a bunch of plants and other goodies for the yard, so by tomorrow I should be over this teeny bump in the road. Next week is full of plans, including my new involvement in the Embassy Green Team, other volunteer work, and some possible video projects. Gavin also rounded this afternoon at a local surgical center, so I cant wait till he gets home and I can totally overwhelm him with machine gun paced questioning! He loves it when I do that. We also joined an Ultimate Frisbee team that meets on Sunday...! I hope Phnom Penh is ready for my level of athletic prowess. More on that debacle later.


  1. I love you! xoxoxo (sent from a "weird" place.)

  2. Quinoa is gross (I assume - I don't try new things). I miss coffee club.

  3. The help could have made you cry in dc as well. Just sayin. Pretty powerful stuff. I miss you too. When I see your weird posts on Facebook involving lee scratch perry I think to myself Leah Nathan, gone but not forgotten...

  4. No pictures? Love you. Mom (I can't figure out how to publish this. I am not truly anonymous.

  5. miss you leah!! I want to chat! How do I get your number again? Can you email it to me?

  6. So I'm a few weeks behind the worries...isn't it nice that those moments don't last forever though. I wanna see you play ultimate frisbee!
