Friday, February 15, 2013

I'm not getting voted off the island!

I got a job! Woohoo! One that I am really happy about too! In November I began speaking and meeting with a local company called 17 Triggers. They are a small, relatively new company that harnesses the power of marketing and behavior change for good. Lately they are doing more video work, so we have been mutually excited to find one another.

For at least the next couple of months, I am working solely on a 6 country (Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Indonesia) climate change campaign. We're developing the creative now, which will be modified for each country, and will start looking for local partners to hopefully launch this summer. We're modeling some of the country plans on a No Impact Week scenario. Needless to say, it feels very warm and fuzzy to be throwing myself into work that really means something. Hopefully by July we will have put an end to climate change, and all will be well!

Gavin also started doing regular clinical work last week, which is really nice. He had been pursuing some volunteer time at Calmette Hospital, and it finally worked out that he could start. It's been exciting, to say the least.... The first day summary went something like this: Went to hospital after work from NAMRU; doctor who he was supposed to meet was nowhere to be found; told to go see patients with no idea what the hospital systems were; realized that all charts and basic medicine were in French (most Cambodian doctors do at least a portion of their training in France and the hospitals reflect a French system); wishes he could speak at least one of the primary languages involved; very sweaty; asks for a white coat to at least give him the appearance of legitimacy, is given one that would be small on a jockey; didn't kill anyone; came home. So he'll be doing that two days a week. We're telling ourselves how much he'll grow through the experience, but currently it's mainly an exercise in living an anxiety dream.

So thats the short story for  us! Daisy still just eats the same kibble twice a day and is pumped about it. Between kibble she goes for walks, chases lizards, and bombs the house with hair.

Happy Valentines Day everybody!


  1. Aw you're all grown up with a J.O.B.! Your work sound super awesome. Can't wait to see the campaigns you come up with!

  2. I adore this blog and adore you guys. Just back from climate change rally in dc. Irony of course: we were all #$*&^ freezing!
    Miss you. Yay, Leah, Gavin and Daisy.

  3. Just happened upon this - I LOVE YOUR JOB! hope you are happy. keep posting! xo Sharon
